About Us

Accelerate Venture Partners is a catalyst for startup growth that provides an avenue for current and prospective angel investors to learn more about startups and explore early-stage investing.

Our Background

Accelerate Venture Partners is a program of NXTUS, a non-profit entrepreneur support organization. 

NXTUS' mission is to help entrepreneurs grow companies of significance by connecting them to capital, customers, and community.

Accelerate Venture Partners

We exist to mobilize capital and mentor and invest in early-stage, high growth companies. How?

More Investors

Find, educate, and grow a community of diverse angel investors that want to see the region succeed and want to build and diversify their portfolio.

More Collisions

Build platforms and events that create collisions between a robust, growing investor base and an innovative entrepreneurial community in the Heartland.

More Entrepreneurs

Find, educate, & grow the number of innovative entrepreneurs that can have a meaningful economic impact on Wichita, Kansas, and the Heartland.